Treat The Public as
FAMILY Members 1st, Customers 2nd,

Family System: FAMILY.BUSINESS™!!


- Intentional PEACE-Oriented Approach, not sales-oriented -

¤ Can you Imagine a World without unfamiliar talk, a World without marketing?
Would People stop buying Services & products? ¤

Greetings FAMILY Member,

May you be doing well, you deserve it too and you're not an exception that you do not, whatever you may have 'believed' on the contrary.

Before you continue, you are interested in cozy homey Family feelings, correct?

Sure, not just for this moment... for LIFE :)

There seems to be some work to be done, for Us to achieve that, agreeing with that? 
Side note: Existence is work anyway, being busy... yes, Alive we're always busy, whether awake or asleep, so let's talk some about being busy advanced.

What’s in Our Journey Today?

We live at a Planet where PEACE lets to be HOPED for. We've been in World War III, with a lot of economical battles.
Yes, complementing let a lot to be wished for, with all that nasty competition.
Ever had to downgrade living environment, meals/drinks/clothes/means of transportation? Competition, competition... let's solve that unfamiliarity from our FAMILY ECONOMY.

Dear, We try to use and/or update what previous generations as legacy left us.

FAMILY.BUSINESS™ at FamRing™ is NOT a non-profit Family System.

Reason is that in Our current Economy, we have an exchange system with trade.

We therefore try to work with/update what was passed on from earlier Family Members.

Faith: Perhaps you have not received personal SPIRITUAL REVELATION(S) concerning TRUTH. And that with CAPITAL LETTERS, so not personal Spiritual Revelations, neither personal spiritual revelations.

Suggestion to ask 'THE FAITH QUESTION' with inner voice: “To me HIGHEST BEINGS or HIGHEST BEING, I ask you an undeniable sign that you exist, because I can not Biological Physically verify that message(s) from (an)other person(s) and/or (a) book(s) and/or (an) internet site(s) came as (a) SPIRITUAL REVELATION(S) with CAPITAL LETTERS.”
